Tips and Resources for every skin type


What Causes Aging?

Are there any anti aging products or techniques that work?

Research has determined that aging is actually can be categorized in 2 ways.

Intrinsic aging is the natural consequence of being alive and is caused by the genes we inherit such as :

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Thin skin

  • Losing fat, producing hollowed cheeks

  • Dry, itchy skin

  • Gray hair that turns completely white

  • Baldness

  • Changes in the appearance of your finger nails, such as the development of ridges.

Extrinsic aging is caused by external factors in the environment such as living in a cold or very hot and dry climate

Throughout our lives we make decisions that impact us in a variety of ways such as financial decisions, relationship decisions, career, choices and lifestyle choices. it is this last listed category, lifestyle choices that involves the possibility of making unhealthy choices that can accelerate the aging process.

Some of the bad choices that you may make that will rush you down the freeway toward looking older prematurely may be

Smoking- The mere exposure to cigarette smoke, even if you don't smoke yourself can deplete your body of Vitamin C.  Minus the requisite amount of Vitamin C that your body needs, your skin may soon become dry  and noticeably more wrinkled. So don't smoke if anti aging is a serious goals

Stress: Stress and anxiety cause you to wrinkle your forehead and frown. In time the repeated action will become permanently etched on your face. Additionally, stress negatively impacts your immune system, making you more prone to debilitating illnesses that age your mind, spirit and body, both internally and in appearance.

Learn how to deal with stress through natural self help methods that will improve your physical and emotional health and contribute to your anti aging goals.

For information and tips on how to beat anxiety and stress  Click Here 

Facial Expressions. Many people practice a variety of facial exercises to maintain a young looking appearance. Unfortunately this not at all effective and in fact promotes the aging process.

The reason is that our skin loses  elasticity as we age and instead of springing back with each expression, grooves are formed that ultimately become fine lines and wrinkles, the skin stops springing back to its original state causing the grooves to become permanent as fine lines and wrinkles.

Too Much Fun in the Sun: Absent a very powerful sun block lotion with a SPF of at least 30 that blocks UVB and UVA rays, the sun can wreak havoc on your skin causing the skin to become dry and leathery and may produce wrinkles and sun spots.

A major risk associated with sun exposure is the possibility of skin cancer. Your dermatologist may be able to prescribe medication to help lessen the degree of damage prior to the onset of skin cancer. Another caveat is that indoor tanning in tanning beds may pose similar risks of skin cancer. The safest bet is to utilize a natural looking spray tan  to protect your skin and health while enjoying a young anti aging look.

Climate: If you live in an area where it is very cold you have a good likelihood of developing dry skin. Offset the impact of climactic conditions with a quality moisturizer.

Conversely, if you live in a desert or hot dry climate, moisturizers are equally important to protect against dry skin and should be an important part of your anti aging skincare regimen. 

Save money and  look younger by making your own anti aging creams at home.  To learn how just CLICK HERE NOW !

Alcohol:  Beer, wine, hard liquor, wine are all culprits in causing people to look older than they are. The reason for this is that alcohol dilates your blood vessels while increasing the blood flow close to the skins surface.

As these blood vessels become  more damaged, they create a reddish, look in the face and obvious broken vessels visible to the naked eye. Furthermore, alcohol is a depress and can contribute to stress and the myriad of aging consequences noted above

Not Enough Exercise: Exercise helps you to develop a healthy muscular tone which contributes to a healthy , youthful appearance. So take a daily walk or go the gym for a simple but effective anti aging regimen.

Diet- Most of us intake an excess of calories. Monitor your caloric intake, improve your health and increase your life that's anti aging at it's finest.

Watch this video with Dr.Oz  for more antiaging tips

Too Little Sleep: If you don't get enough sleep  you will quickly develop with dark circles and bags under your eyes  contributing to an overall appearance of  an aged, tired, depleted woman or man.

and finally

Gravity. Gravity pulls us down in more ways than one. Once we attain middle age and our skin becomes less elastic we may discover our nose drooping, droopy eyelids, jowly cheeks and jaws, to name a few.

While gravity is not something we choose to subject us to we include it as another factor that causes us to appear more aged than we actually are 

Combat the effects of aging and rejuvenate your skin at home by Clicking Here Now